Who appeared to Samuel?

1 Samuel 3:1-8 NWT

Meanwhile, the boy Samuel was ministering to Jehovah before Eʹli, but word from Jehovah had become rare in those days; visions were not widespread. One day Eʹli was lying down in his usual place, and his eyes had grown dim; he was not able to see. The lamp of God had not yet been extinguished, and Samuel was lying in the temple of Jehovah, where the Ark of God was. Jehovah then called Samuel. He answered: “Here I am.” He ran to Eʹli and said: “Here I am, for you called me.” But he said: “I did not call. Lie down again.” So he went and lay down. Jehovah called once again: “Samuel!” At this Samuel got up and went to Eʹli and said: “Here I am, for you called me.” But he said: “I did not call, my son. Lie down again.” (Now Samuel had not yet come to know Jehovah, and the word of Jehovah had not yet been revealed to him.) So Jehovah called again, a third time: “Samuel!” At that he got up and went to Eʹli and said: “Here I am, for you called me.”
Eʹli then realized that it was Jehovah who was calling the boy.

Who did Samuel see?
Who reveals Jehovah?
1 Samuel 3:20-21 NWT

All Israel from Dan to Beʹer-sheʹba became aware that Samuel had been confirmed as Jehovah’s prophet. And Jehovah continued to appear in Shiʹloh, for Jehovah revealed himself to Samuel in Shiʹloh by the word of Jehovah.

Who did Samuel see?
Who reveals Jehovah?
* Samuel knew of Jehovah, read about God but did not know God intimately without the word of Jehovah making him personable to him.
** You need the "word of Jehovah" to know God personally and intimately... You can know of God but you can't know him without Jesus.