Reflections 08.14.24

Being stuck in a rut is an interesting feeling.

I know what I need to do but I don’t do it.

I know not doing what I need to do is what causes me stress but I don’t do it.

I know I’ll feel better when I do what I need to do but still I delay…. why?

I care too much what people think.

Even the most innocuous little statements can send me down a set of cascading thoughts that just waste my time and energy.

In my mind, I don’t care… but I do…. why?

Everyday I’m seeking salvation from something…

Boredom, hunger, thirst, loneliness, stress, fatigue, distraction.

The mind is so needy.

Sometimes I think I need to be creative to truly reach my potential.

I forget who I am if I’m not creating.

I forget my purpose when I self-isolate.

I dig a hole and bury myself and wonder why I’m not feeling good.

But then I waste time… I don’t do anything at all… while simultaneously convincing myself that it’s better that I’m not “wasting time” on something creative.

Such a weird delusion.

What is it about “wasting time”? I don’t think that’s what I actually fear.

My greatest worry seems to be “wasting effort”.

So instead, I do nothing and with no effort there’s no waste.

As the time of my life ticks down… I waste the present for some future idealized moment where I’ll be super productive and will do all the things I wish to do.

What a funny fantasy that my mind believes.