Reflections 08.07.2024 @ 11:20AM

Friends or Foes?

My confidence is in the Lord!

Friends, family and people will always disappoint.

They will shame and attack me.

They will tell me how to act.

They will offer advice and guidance.

They will keep a record of my rights and wrongs.

They will feel better convincing themselves of their righteousness.

They will bask in their fabricated superiority and be proud of their level.

From their elevated position, they will feel the glory they crave.

They do not suffer when I am low; they rejoice!

They are not humbled when I am humbled; they laugh!

They do not celebrate with me, they mock and ridicule.

In their minds, I am the one who needs their correction.

In their minds, I am the one that is out of control!

Completely blind to their own ignorance.

Without any hint of an afterthought.

Confident in their ways. “We know best!” they say.

Pointing and mocking they elevate themselves.

Heaping on me an idealized standard of perfection that nobody can attain.

Only the Lord understands me. Only the Lord gives me grace.

The Lord convicts me and I repent!

The Lord corrects me and I oblige.

The Lord tells me to love and that’s what I will do.

As I step into the next phase of my life… I will trust the Lord.

He truly loves me. He truly wants the best for me.

He patterns my steps. He guides my life. I will trust in Him.
