How to Fight Depression & Win

CREDIT: @YoungAchilless

Men’s mental health awareness is a big problem.

Through out our difficult lives we fall into negative thinking even depression, often choosing to battle it alone.

Here are 6 ways you can fight it and win!

Tough times never last

Remember it won’t last forever, the sands of time always change and never stay the same.

It may feel like there is no end to it but trust me, the sun will shine again. 

You are the man!

Stop and remember what have you already been through and how many times you won until this point.

Remember there is unstoppable strength within you, wake it up and know that nothing can stop you. 

Be grateful

It is very hard to be thankful when you feel like shit, but never become ungrateful for the gifts life gave you, there is always something to be grateful for.

A talent you have, food and shelter, sun shining bright starlit sky. Say it out loud “THANK YOU” 

Talk to a female friend

Women are magical creatures able to make all your pain go away with their softness and good heart.

When it gets tough go drink some tea and tell her what’s happening, have fun. She can really be a lifesaver. 

Destroy the gym

There is nothing better to take the steam off than a proper gym session or an exhausting run.

Go put your headphones on blast your favourite tune and perform as your life depends on it, you gain a newfound strength and power that will give you hope. 

Say no to easy escape

You will be tempted to hide from it with alcohol, and drugs, don’t fool yourself you can only do that for so long and your problems will multiply.

When it crosses your mind find the strength to tell yourself NO, you have no idea how proud you will be. 

CREDIT: @YoungAchilless